Cover article
of ACS Photonics by B. Martinez de Aguirre Jokisch et al.
(Dec. 2024)
My inaugural lecture
at DTU was on Sept. 6th. Thank you, great audience! Impressions here here
and here.
(Sept. 2024)
here on website of DTU Electro. On the occasion of becoming a professor.
(August 2024)
News & Views
article in Nature Physics. See also
M. Hong et al., Nat. Phys. (2024).
(March 2024)
PhD for Qiaoling Lin
Congratulations! Thesis title: "Exploring excitons in van der Waals heterostructures and their potential for lasing". See also
(September 2023)
PhD for Mads A. Jørgensen
Congratulations! Thesis title: "Single-photon superradiance in nanophotonics" See also
(January 2023)
Open PhD position
in Nanophotonics and Quantum Technology. Applications only online,
Deadline was May 8th, 2022.
(April 2022)
Open PhD position
in interactions between cavities and 2D materials. Applications only online,
Deadline was Nov. 1st 2021.
(Sept. 2021)
Open PhD position
in Optics of Interlayer Excitons. Applications only online,
Deadline was May 30th 2021.
(April 2021)
Article on 2D quantum emitters
by Moritz Fischer et al. in
Science Advances.
(February 2021)
Open PhD position
in Quantum Photonics of 2D Materials. Applications only online,
Deadline was Jan. 15th 2021.
(December 2020)
Joined the Editorial Board
of MDPI's Nanomaterials.
(December 2020)
IOP Trusted Reviewer
Open PhD and postdoc positions
in Quantum Photonics of 2D Materials.
Deadline was Aug. 30th.
(July 2020)
Joined the Editorial Board
of IOP's Journal of Optics.
(May 2020)
Open PhD position
in Nanophotonics.
Deadline was Nov. 10th.
(October 2019)
Open PhD position
to explore
2D materials for integrated photonics. Deadline was Oct. 15th.
(August 2019)
PhD for Emil Cortes André
Congratulations! Thesis title: "Collective Effects in Nanolasers".
(September 2019)
PhD for Kåre Obel Wedel
Congratulations! Thesis title: "Quantum plasmons in graphene nanoribbons".
(January 2019)
PhD for Johan R. Maack
Congratulations! Thesis title: "Nonlocal response in metals and Semiconductors".
(August 2018)
(July 2017)
OSA Senior Member
... in the 2017 class
(May 2017)
Interim group leader
of the
Structured Electromagnetic Materials group until at least June 30th 2017. Former group leader N. Asger Mortensen starts a new group at SDU in Odense.
(March 2017)
IOP Outstanding Reviewer
... Award from the Journal of Optics
(February 2017)
Distinguished Referee
Welcome to my website!
My name is Martijn Wubs and I am a Dutch physicist and research group leader of the Quantum Photonics of Low-Dimensional Systems Group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This is my personal website.
With my wife and three children I live in Charlottenlund, in between DTU and downtown Copenhagen.
Research: Nanophotonics, quantum optics, 2D materials
- Nanophotonics: nonlocal response in nanoplasmonics, extreme dielectric confinement
- Quantum optics: nanoscale quantum optics, quantum plasmonics, quantum optics in 2D materials
- Solid-state quantum information: driven and open quantum systems, collective physics
Publications at a glance (pdfs of all articles here):
- Google Scholar
- ORCID 0000-0002-8286-7825
- Researcher profile at Web of Science (ResearcherID: