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Martijn Wubs

Here is a short curriculum vitae

Work experience

(Academic related)

2024 -                 Professor and group leader of the QLDS Group , DTU Electro

2023 -                 Group leader of the QLDS Group , DTU Electro (group and dept. names changed)

2017 - 2023       Group leader of the Structured Electromagnetic Materials (SEM) Group, DTU Fotonik, Denmark

2011 - 2017        Associate Professor in the SEM Group

2010 - 2011        Assistant Professor in the SEM Group

2009 - 2009        Postdoctoral Fellow in the SEM group of N. Asger Mortensen, DTU Fotonik, Denmark

2007 - 2009        Postdoctoral Fellow in the group of Anders S. Sorensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

                              Research project 1: Continuous-variable quantum communication,
                              Research project 2: Solid-state based quantum information processing

2004 - 2007        Postdoctoral Fellow in the group of Peter Hanggi, University of Augsburg, Germany

                              Research project 1: Multi-level and dissipative Landau-Zener transitions,

                              Research project 2: Non-Markovian decoherence in solid-state based quantum information,
2003                     Researcher in Complex Photonic Systems Group, University of Twente, The Netherlands

1997 - 2003        PhD student, University of Amsterdam and University of Twente, The Netherlands

                              Research project 1: Spontaneous emission and superradiance in photonic media,
                              with Ad Lagendijk (Amsterdam and Twente) and Leendert Suttorp (Amsterdam)

                              Research project 2: Quantum electrodynamics of dispersive inhomogeneous dielectrics,
                              with Leendert Suttorp

1997                     Assistant editor of school books, Wolters-Noordhoff Publishers, Groningen, The Netherlands

Awards & Fellowships

2020                     Grant from Danish Council for Independent Research, with N. Stenger

2020                      IOP Tusted Reviewer

2017                      Senior Member of SPIE

2017                      Senior Member of OSA

2016                      Distinguished EPJ Referee

2016                      Journal of Optics Outstanding Reviewer

2016                     Grant from Villum Fonden to hire a postdoc

2014                     Grant from International Network Program of Danish Ministry of Science and Education

2013                     Grant from Danish Council for Independent Research, with N. A. Mortensen

2007                     A CeNS Publication Award by the Bavarian Center for NanoScience, for this Physical Review Letter

2007                     Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Niels Bohr International Academy

2006                     Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Augsburg, by the German SFB 484

2005                     Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Augsburg, by the German SFB 631

2004                     Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Augsburg, by the A8 Quantum Information Highway

1997                     PhD Fellowship at the University of Amsterdam and Technical University of Twente, by the Dutch FOM

1997                     Highest distinction Cum Laude for Masters degree in Physics, University of Groningen

Other academic experience

Joined the Editorial Board of IOP's Journal of Optics (2020).

Joined the Editorial Board of MDPI's Nanomaterials (2020).

Co-applicant of Nanophotonics Center of Excellence NanoPhoton (2019).

Principal Investigator of work package "Collective Physics" in NATEC Center of Excellence (2016).

Supervisor of BSc, MSc and PhD students at the Technical University of Denmark, 2009 - present, see Physics Tree;
of PhD students at the University of Augsburg, 2005 - 2007, and at the Technical University of Twente, 2003.

Co-organizer of Lorentz Center workshop Nanoscale Quantum Optics (Leiden, the Netherlands, June 2014).

Affiliated Faculty of the Center for Nanostructured Graphene

Referee for 40+ journals including Physical Review Letters and Nature Photonics, see my Web of Science profile.

Grant reviewer for several research agencies.

Assessor and chairman in PhD committees, local and abroad; external assessor of BSc and MSc projects.

Teacher and course responsible for BSc course Optics and Photonics, and MSc course Optical Properties of Solids.

Didactic courses Education in University Teaching at DTU: "Teaching and Learning", "Teaching methods and planning", "Feedback and Evaluation", 2010; PhD supervision course, 2010.

Stand-in Lecturer for Quantum Mechanics course, and assessor for oral examinations in Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics, University of Augsburg, 2004 - 2007

Teaching Assistant for Quantum Mechanics course for second-year students, University of Amsterdam, 1998 - 2000;

for Modern Photonics, a BSc/MSc- Advanced Course, Technical University of Denmark, 2009;

for Introduction to Physics and Nanotechnology, a BSc/MSc- BSc course, Technical University of Denmark, 2010.

Visiting Scientist in Philosophy of Physics group of Prof. Dr. M. Redhead, University of Cambridge, UK, 1996.

Student Researcher at Heavy-Ion Research Facility GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 1993.

University education

1997 - 2003         PhD in Theoretical Physics
                              Thesis: Quantum Optics and Multiple Scattering in Dielectrics
                              Advisors: Prof. Dr. A. Lagendijk and Dr. L. G. Suttorp
                              University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (11-06-2003)

1994 - 1997         Master in Philosophy, and Master in Philosophy of Science
                              Thesis: Laws or Models? A Comparative Study of Two Models of Scientific Explanation
                              Advisors: Prof. Dr. T. A. F. Kuipers (Philosophy) and Prof. Dr. A. C. D. van Enter (Physics)
                              University of Groningen, The Netherlands (19-08-1997)

1990 - 1997         Master in Theoretical Physics (Cum Laude)
                              Thesis: Optical Line Shapes of Dynamically Disordered Molecular Aggregates
                              Advisor: Prof. Dr. J. Knoester
                              University of Groningen, The Netherlands (27-03-1997)


Last change: September 2024.